When it comes to left shoulder pain, consider consulting a doctor first. If one can find a cardiologist, it is much better. Pain in the left shoulder may be just a referred pain from an ongoing heart attack.
So it is very important to first have routine heart check-up and laboratory tests done to be cleared from life-threatening heart problems. And then, after being cleared, proceed to this list of managements to get rid of the pain.
Remember RICE. Not the grain that you eat, but the acronym R.I.C.E., which stands for Rest, Ice, Compress, and Exercise. RICE can provide ease from left shoulder pain. Make sure to “rest” your body. Any body part which is constantly used will eventually tire-out. “Ice” massage can also be helpful by providing an anti-inflammatory effect. Do this by applying ice over the area intermittently for 20-30 minutes at least three times a day. Warm “compress” can also alleviate the pain by making the blood vessels and muscle fibers relax, avoiding the painful tight feeling. Exercises, specifically passive range-of-motion exercises, can also contribute a lot in lessening the pain.
Moreover, slings also help in reducing left shoulder pain. These aids will provide stability to the left shoulder area allowing it to rest and rejuvenate for a certain period. Consider your usual body positions too. While sleeping, maintain a neutral position with body lying supine and arms on the side. Don’t sleep on the left side as it will compress the vessels and nerves in the region making it sore. It will also be helpful to try elevating the left arm once in a while to make the blood return to the heart and stop pooling in the left arm.
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